Sponsor Artsfest
Make sure your business is recognized as a supporter of arts and culture in your community during ArtsFEST! Visitors from across GTA will be out in full force to engage with the performing and visual artists and vendors at ArtsFEST, and the businesses that support Arts & Culture. Download the sponsorship information to review the different opportunities available, or click on SPONSOR NOW to make an immediate contribution of any amount at your discretion.
email us to discuss artsfest.ca@gmail.com
Become a Festival Benefactor ($500 Donation)
Do you love arts & culture, and want to see your community become a destination for arts and culture? Add your name to the benefactors list by making a personal donation. Your contribution will allow the non-profit registered organization Greater Hamilton Arts & Events create compelling events such as ArtsFEST, and pay for production costs, permits, insurance, artist fees, security, advertising, and all the other costs that are involved in producing events such as ArtsFEST that can build an economic engine for your community.
email us to discuss artsfest.ca@gmail.com
Be a Friend of the Festival ($100 Donation)
Every contribution makes a big difference. ArtsFEST is produced by Greater Hamilton Arts & Events, with no employees, the board of directors are volunteers, and the festival is financed exclusively by sponsors, vendors, grants and donations. Your contribution helps make it happen!
email us to discuss artsfest.ca@gmail.com
Be a Super Friend of the Festival ($250 Donation)
Superfriends are friends who can afford to contribute a little bit more, and we like to call them superfriends because we want to acknowledge their supplemental contribution. But we love all our friends equally!
email us to discuss artsfest.ca@gmail.com